WaifuVault Source

No nonsense temporary file hosting

Serving 0 public files totalling 0kb

Inspired by https://0x0.st, WaifuVault is a temporary file hosting service that allows for file uploads that are hosted for a set amount of time.


Through the use of ETags and efficient caching, rapid file access and upload.


Simple API access for file upload. No authorisation is required and is totally free, just upload your file.


All files uploaded are temporary, and will be deleted once their allotted lifespan expires. Shorter lifespans can be specified at upload.


The following cannot be uploaded, and any uploads in violation of this will be IP banned

  • Piracy
  • Extremist material
  • Malware
  • Crypto shit
  • Anything illegal under British Law
  • File Limit: 100MB

The amount of time a given file is hosted for is determined by its size. Files are hosted for a maximum of 365 days, with the time being shortened on a cubic curve.

This means for files up to about 50% of the maximum file size will get close to the maximum time. All files will be retained for at LEAST 30 days

Use the control below to see how long a file will be retained for

Privacy Policy

The following information about you is obtained for each upload

  • IP address
  • User agent

No data is shared with third parties, and data will be deleted permanently when the file expires or is deleted by the user

If we believe the release of this information is necessary to respond to a legal process, to investigate or remedy potential violations of our policies, or to protect the rights, property, and safety of others, we may share your information as permitted or required by any applicable law, rule, or regulation.

No uniform technology standard for recognising and implementing Do-Not-Track(DNT) signals has been finalised. As such, we do not currently respond to DNT browser signals or any other mechanism that automatically communicates your choice not to be tracked online.

While we have taken reasonable steps to secure any information you provide to us, please be aware that despite our efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. No method of data transmission can be guaranteed against any interception or other type of misuse. Any information disclosed online is potentially vulnerable to interception and misuse by unauthorised parties.

Contact me if you have any issues

Bespoke SDKs

Official SDKs for interacting with waifuvault

The official Node.js SDK


The official Python SDK


The official Go SDK


The official C# SDK


The official Rust SDK

Rust SDK


Please refer to the Swagger for full api documentation including endpoints and optional arguments you can pass.

// upload file via URL
curl --request PUT --url https://waifuvault.moe/rest --data url=https://victorique.moe/img/slider/Quotes.jpg

// upload file via File
curl --request PUT --url https://waifuvault.moe/rest --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --form [email protected]

For Node, there is an official SDK that provides access to all of the features of the site.

WaifuVault Node API

import Waifuvault from "waifuvault-node-api";

// upload file
const resp = await Waifuvault.uploadFile({
    file: "./files/aCoolFile.jpg"
console.log(resp.url); // the file download URL

// upload via URL
const resp = await Waifuvault.uploadFile({
    url: "https://waifuvault.moe/assets/custom/images/08.png"
console.log(resp.url); // the file download URL

// upload a buffer
const resp = await Waifuvault.uploadFile({
    file: Buffer.from("someData"),
    filename: "aCoolFile.jpg"
console.log(resp.url); // the file download URL

For Go, there is an official SDK that provides access to all of the features of the site.

WaifuVault Go API

//upload via URL
package main

import (
	waifuMod "github.com/waifuvault/waifuVault-go-api/pkg/mod" // namespace mod

func main() {
	api := waifuVault.NewWaifuvaltApi(http.Client{})
	file, err := api.UploadFile(context.TODO(), waifuMod.WaifuvaultPutOpts{
		Url: "https://waifuvault.moe/assets/custom/images/08.png",
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf(file.URL) // the URL

// upload file
package main

import (
	waifuMod "github.com/waifuvault/waifuVault-go-api/pkg/mod"

func main() {
	api := waifuVault.NewWaifuvaltApi(http.Client{})

	fileStruc, err := os.Open("myCoolFile.jpg")
	if err != nil {

	file, err := api.UploadFile(context.TODO(), waifuMod.WaifuvaultPutOpts{
		File: fileStruc,
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf(file.URL) // the URL

// upload buffer
package main

import (
	waifuMod "github.com/waifuvault/waifuVault-go-api/pkg/mod"

func main() {
	api := waifuVault.NewWaifuvaltApi(http.Client{})

	b, err := os.ReadFile("myCoolFile.jpg")
	if err != nil {

	file, err := api.UploadFile(context.TODO(), waifuMod.WaifuvaultPutOpts{
		Bytes:    &b,
		FileName: "myCoolFile.jpg", // make sure you supply the extension
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Printf(file.URL) // the URL

For Python, there is an official SDK that provides access to all of the features of the site.

WaifuVault Python API

import waifuvault
import io

# upload file
upload_file = waifuvault.FileUpload("./files/aCoolFile.png")
upload_res = waifuvault.upload_file(upload_file)

# upload via URL
upload_file = waifuvault.FileUpload("https://waifuvault.moe/assets/custom/images/08.png")
upload_res = waifuvault.upload_file(upload_file)

# upload a buffer
with open("./files/aCoolFile.png", "rb") as fh:
    buf = io.BytesIO(fh.read())

upload_file = waifuvault.FileUpload(buf, "aCoolFile.png")
upload_res = waifuvault.upload_file(upload_file)

For C#, there is an official SDK that provides access to all of the features of the site.

WaifuVault C# API

using Waifuvault;
using System.IO;

// Upload file
var uploadFile = new Waifuvault.FileUpload("./aCoolFile.png");
var uploadResp = await Waifuvault.Api.uploadFile(uploadFile);

// Upload via URL
var uploadFile = new Waifuvault.FileUpload("https://waifuvault.moe/assets/custom/images/08.png");
var uploadResp = await Waifuvault.Api.uploadFile(uploadFile);

// Upload via Buffer
byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes("./aCoolFile.png");
var uploadFile = new Waifuvault.FileUpload(buffer,"aCoolFile.png");
var uploadResp = await Waifuvault.Api.uploadFile(uploadFile);

For Rust, there is an official SDK that provides access to all of the features of the site.

WaifuVault Rust API

use waifuvault::{
    api::{WaifuUploadRequest, WaifuResponse}

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let caller = ApiCaller::new();

    // Upload a file from disk
    let request = WaifuUploadRequest::new()
        .file("/some/file/path") // Path to a file
        .password("set a password") // Set a password
        .one_time_download(true); // Delete after first access
    let response = caller.upload_file(request).await?;

    // Upload a file from a URL
    let request = WaifuUploadRequest::new()
        .url("https://some-website/image.jpg"); // URL to content
    let response = caller.upload_file(request).await?;

    // Upload a file from raw bytes
    let data = std::fs::read("some/file/path")?;
    let request = WaifuUploadRequest::new()
        .bytes(data, "name-to-store.rs"); // Raw file content and name to store on the vault
    let response = caller.upload_file(request).await?;


For PHP, there is an outdated SDK that provides access to managing files only.

WaifuVault PHP API
Note well - this SDK is not actively maintained

// Upload file
use ErnestMarcinko\WaifuVault\WaifuApi;

$waifu = new WaifuApi();
$response = $waifu->uploadFile(array(
	'file' =>   __DIR__ . '/image.jpg',

// Upload via URL
use ErnestMarcinko\WaifuVault\WaifuApi;

$waifu = new WaifuApi();
$response = $waifu->uploadFile(array(
	'url' =>   'https://waifuvault.moe/assets/custom/images/08.png',

// Upload via Buffer
use ErnestMarcinko\WaifuVault\WaifuApi;

$waifu = new WaifuApi();
$response = $waifu->uploadFile(array(
	'file_contents' => file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/image.jpg'),
	'filename' => 'image.jpg',

// using Apache HttpClient

import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.RequestBuilder;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.HttpMultipartMode;
import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Path;

public class Example {

  private static void uploadFile(final Path file) throws IOException {
    try (final var httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
      final var data = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().setMode(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE)
          .addBinaryBody("file", file.toFile())
      final var request = RequestBuilder.put("https://waifuvault.moe/rest").setEntity(data).build();
      final ResponseHandler responseHandler = response -> response.getEntity() != null ? EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()) : null;
      final var responseBody = httpclient.execute(request, responseHandler);

  private static void uploadUrl(final String url) throws IOException {
    try (final var httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
      final var data = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().setMode(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE)
          .addTextBody("url", url)
      final var request = RequestBuilder.put("https://waifuvault.moe/rest").setEntity(data).build();
      final ResponseHandler responseHandler = response -> response.getEntity() != null ? EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()) : null;
      final var responseBody = httpclient.execute(request, responseHandler);